Giving to GSAS

three graduates

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is committed to providing steadfast support for GSAS students, but this would not be possible without the partnership GSAS enjoys with its alumni and friends. Gifts to GSAS contribute to nearly every area of the student experience. 

The GSAS Annual Fund provides flexible support for GSAS students, and is spent down each year to expand resources such as:

  • Fellowships for doctoral students
  • Financial aid for master’s students
  • The GSAS Writing Studio for dissertation and thesis writers
  • Childcare support for student parents
  • Travel stipends for fieldwork and academic conferences
  • Funds for summer language study
  • Career counseling through GSAS Compass to help our students succeed after graduation
  • And more

Your gift to the GSAS Annual Fund is fundamental to the vibrancy of intellectual and student life at Columbia.


If giving by check, please make your check payable to Columbia University. To ensure check is properly credited, please include a note saying your gift is in support of the Columbia Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) and send to: 

Columbia Alumni Center
Attention: Gift Systems
622 West 113th Street, MC 4524
New York, NY 10025

To make a gift of appreciated stock or highly appreciated, illiquid assets that have an ascertainable value, like real estate or valuable tangible personal property, please contact Elizabeth Thompson at [email protected] or (212) 851-7855 or Julia Morton at [email protected] or (212) 851-7478.

GSAS Giving Opportunities

Gifts for Current Use (Current Academic Year) 
  • GSAS Annual Fund – Any Amount
    Provide critical funding for financial aid and other areas of the greatest immediate need.
  • GSAS Dean’s Discretionary Fund – Any Amount
    Provide the Dean with the flexibility to respond quickly to emerging needs at GSAS, through both new initiatives and ongoing projects.
  • Fellowship Fund for International Students – Any Amount
    Provide funding for summer research for international students who are not eligible for US federal funding.
  • Fellowships for Master’s Students – $25,000
    Create a fund to support master’s students each year, allowing GSAS to attract the best students regardless of their financial circumstances.
  • Fellowships in Academic Administration – $5,000
    Fund internships for advanced doctoral students in administrative offices across Columbia’s campuses and New York City, enhancing their career preparation by introducing them to the day-to-day operations of the university and the private sector.
  • The GSAS Writing Studio — Any Amount
    Support the offerings of the Writing Studio, including one-on-one consultations, workshops, writing groups, retreats, structured co-working time, and quiet writing stations.
Endowed Fellowships 
  • Endowed Partial GSAS Fellowship – $250,000
    Establish a fellowship to invest in and train future generations of professors, scholars, artists, and scientists. Fellowship support allows our students to focus on their areas of research and realize their full potential, and increases the number of students who will have the opportunity to study at one of the nation’s most distinguished graduate schools.
  • Full Graduate Fellowship – Minimum $2 Million
    Establish an endowed, named full graduate fellowship to ensure that GSAS continues to attract the world’s best students. A full graduate fellowship will support an academic field of the donor’s choosing while providing lasting and permanent support for a talented scholar to pursue his or her research.
Gift Planning

With many different gift planning options, you can leave a legacy and ensure that a GSAS education continues to be available to future generations of scientists, scholars, and artists. You can make an enormous long-term impact with a gift that costs you nothing now, can retain income for you and/or your loved ones, and fits your philanthropic goals. 

Join alumni like GSAS 1754 Society Chair Louis A. Parks (’95MA, Classics, ’03BUS, ’12GS) and Jacqueline Rosay (’64MA, French and Romance Philology) in investing in the future of graduate education at Columbia. 

There are several creative ways you can make an impact on GSAS, including:

  • Estate planning through a will or living trust
  • Establishing a donor-advised fund at Columbia
  • Naming GSAS as a beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust or a specific asset, such as a life insurance policy, retirement plan, or bank or brokerage account
  • Entering into a charitable gift annuity agreement with GSAS
  • And more

Many of these planned gifts qualify you for membership in the 1754 Society, Columbia University’s honorary association for alumni and friends who have remembered Columbia in their will, trust, or other estate plans. Named for the year in which Columbia’s predecessor, King’s College, was established, the Society recognizes the vital role of benefactors in Columbia’s past, present, and future success. Your membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but rather permits the University to express its thanks, recognize your kindness, and encourage others to follow in your gracious footsteps.

If you have already made a provision in your estate for GSAS, thank you! Please let us know so that we can welcome you as a member of the 1754 Society.

For more information on giving to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, please contact Elizabeth Thompson at [email protected] or (212) 851-7855 or Julia Morton at [email protected] or (212) 851-7478.