The Value of Teaching
The experience of teaching as a graduate student is a foundational element of doctoral education, and one of the most significant and vital parts of your professional apprenticeship. A variety of resources will help develop your pedagogical skills, among them the multiple programs available through the Center for Teaching and Learning, as well as the various pedagogical initiatives sponsored by your department.
Key Contacts
Center for Teaching and Learning
212 Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027
(212) 854-1692
[email protected]
Teaching Toolkit
GSAS Teaching Scholars Program
This program affords advanced doctoral students the opportunity to design and teach a course in their area of expertise.
Teaching Opportunities Outside the Department
Listed on this page are several teaching opportunities outside academic departments that are available to GSAS doctoral students.
Center for Teaching and Learning
CTL partners with faculty, students, and colleagues to support excellence and innovation in teaching and learning.
Graduate Student Teaching Guidelines
These guidelines are intended to help graduate students as they embark on the crucial teaching element of their PhD.
Lead Teaching Fellows
The LTF program is a professional development opportunity for doctoral students who are committed to promoting pedagogical practices and conversations among their peers.
Innovative Teaching Summer Institute
The Innovative Teaching Summer Institute at Columbia University is an intensive, multi-day series of workshops, discussions, and posted reflections all centered on the use of emerging tools to support effective teaching.
Teaching Fellows Orientations
CTL offers graduate students instructors orientation sessions to learn about practical, evidence-based strategies that they can implement on the first day of class.
Presidential Teaching Award
The Presidential Teaching Awards honor outstanding graduate student teachers.
Teachers' Lounges
Teachers’ Lounges are series of informal discussions about teaching practices and the culture of learning at Columbia.
Teaching and Research Appointments
Multi-year fellows are required to participate in the teaching and research programs of their departments.
Instructional Requirement
Students in Arts & Sciences PhD programs must fulfill a one-year GSAS teaching requirement in their first four years of residence (three years for students admitted with advanced standing) or before receipt of the MPhil degree.