Annual Teaching Opportunities
Core Preceptorships
A preceptorship is a type of teaching fellowship awarded only by competitive application to students appointed to teach a section of a course in the Columbia College Core Curriculum (Literature Humanities, Contemporary Civilization, African Civilization, or Primary Texts of Latin American Civilization). This appointment is renewable for one year, but appointment to teach for a second year is contingent on satisfactory performance in the first year. Students may apply to be a preceptor only if they have or expect to have the MPhil by the May prior to being appointed as a preceptor, and if they will be in no more than their sixth year of registration during the first year of the preceptorship.
For additional information about the Core Curriculum, including eligibility, please see its website here.
GSAS Teaching Scholars Program
The GSAS Teaching Scholars Program is a professional and academic development opportunity that affords advanced doctoral students in Arts and Sciences programs the opportunity to design and teach a course in their area of expertise during the academic year in preparation for the job market.
Please see here for detailed information about the program, including eligibility requirements, compensation, application procedures, and more.
Graduate Kluge Mentor Fellowship
The Kluge Graduate Fellowship is designed to assist graduate students in their sixth or seventh year of graduate study who have demonstrated scholarly promise and have an interest in teaching and mentoring young scholars. The fellowship also offers graduate students the unique opportunity to participate in the continued development and implementation of an exciting, well-established program for undergraduates that focuses on academic excellence, leadership, global awareness, and civic engagement.
Undergraduate Writing Program
Doctoral students in Humanities and Social Science departments may apply to teach University Writing, Columbia’s required first-year undergraduate writing course.