Dissertations: March 7, 2022
Chemical Engineering
Horn, Justin. Engineering stimuli-responsive protein phase separations for protein stabilization, modulation of protein activity, and intracellular protein delivery. Sponsor: Allie Obermeyer.
Computer Science
Colgan, Robert. Machine learning for gravitational-wave astronomy: Methods and applications for high-dimensional laser interferometery data. Sponsors: Peter Belhumeur and John Wright.
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Spergel, Julian. Modelling and remote sensing of meltwater drainage on Antarctic ice shelves. Sponsor: Jonathan Kingslake.
Electrical Engineering
Taal, Adriaan. Integration of neural optical recording and stimulation on minimally invasive, deep-brain implantable CMOS. Sponsor: Kenneth Shepard.
English and Comparative Literature
Schorske, Carina. Fugitive forms: A personal journey through the archives of the Caribbean. Sponsor: Saidiya Hartman.
Meberg, Justine. The logic of protection: US army culture and enemy women in the second Seminole War and the War with Mexico, 1835-1848. Sponsor: Stephanie McCurry.
Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Mejía, David. Bourgeois masculinity and nation building in 19th century Spanish novel. Sponsor: Wadda Ríos-Font.
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies
Ben Hammed, Mohamed. Negotiating the empty time of modernity: Sufi temporalities in postcolonial Arab thought and literature. Sponsor: Wael Hallaq.
Moughania, Ali. Paradigmatic criteria of "leadership" in Islamic thought: Subject-formation at Sunnī, Shia, and Sufi crossroads. Sponsor: Brinkley Messick.
Mukherjee, Uponita. Colonial detection: Crime, inquiry and evidence in British India, 1790-1910. Sponsor: Partha Chatterjee.
Zarrinnal, Navid. Theory from the South: Disciplinary education and the beginning of religious optionality in Iran (1889-1934). Sponsor: Hamid Dabashi.
Neurobiology and Behavior
McGowan, Josephine. Elucidating the mechanisms of (R,S) - ketamine as a prophylactic against stress-induced psychiatric disease. Sponsor: Christine Denny.
Rabinovich, Rebecca. Learning enhances encoding of time and temporal surprise in primary sensory cortex. Sponsor: Randy Bruno.
Vancura, Bert. Hippocampal interneuron dynamics supporting memory encoding and consolidation. Sponsor: Attila Losonczy.
Nutritional and Metabolic Biology
Cynn, Esther. Investigation of novel lincRNAs SIMALR and RP11-184M15.1 functions in inflammatory and resolving human macrophages. Sponsor: Muredach Reilly.
Operations Research
Shukla, Apurv. Optimization and learning in dynamic environments: Models and algorithms. Sponsors: Daniel Bienstock and Garud Iyengar.
Zhao, Yidi. Lattice calculation of the $ \pi^0 \to e^+ e^-$ and the $K_L \to \gamma \gamma $ decays. Sponsor: Norman Christ.
Political Science
Ahmed, Ashraf. American unwritten constitutionalism. Sponsor: Nadia Urbinati.
TC / Comparative and International Education
Iwabuchi, Kazuaki. Complexity within the government: An analysis of Japan's education reform through the international baccalaureate. Sponsor: Gita Steiner-Khamsi.
Shahid, Javairia. Architecture of the camp, garden and canal colony in India (1842-1930).
Biomedical Engineering
Koorathota, Sharath. Deep learning systems for neurophysiological data integration and inference.
Chemical Engineering
Fraga Alvarez, Daniela. Coated porous electrodes and membraneless electrolyzers for brine management.
French and Romance Philology
Pettman, Andre. All things commune: The communal imaginary in the 21st Century French fiction & poetry.
Stella, Sam. The media of conversion: Attractive presence in the U.S. Mexico borderlands 1914-1926.