Dissertations: May 16, 2022
Yavetz, Tomer. Detecting the orbit families of galactic potentials. Sponsors: Kathryn Johnston and Lam Hui.
Biological Sciences
Feng, Shuang. Nucleolar transcription and its connections to nucleolar homeostasis and mitochondrial stress. Sponsor: James Manley.
Low Calle, Ana. A noncanonical Hippo signaling pathway regulates DeltaNp63 in cancer cells. Sponsors: Carol Prives and Ron Prywes.
Biomedical Engineering
Gurbatri, Candice. Engineered probiotics for the screening and treatment of colorectal cancer. Sponsor: Tal Danino.
Pinezich, Meghan. Engineering extracellular environments to study and treat lung pathologies. Sponsor: Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic.
Yao, Yujing. Statistical analysis of large scale data with perturbation subsampling. Sponsor: Zhezhen Jin.
Business: Management
Dell'Acqua, Fabrizio. Artificial intelligence in organizations: Three experiments on human/machine interaction and human augmentation. Sponsor: Bruce Kogut.
Stephenson, Matthew. Essays in behavioral strategy. Sponsor: Bruce Kogut.
Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Studies
Sheng, Jiemin. Development of high-throughput tools for functional genomics. Sponsor: Alejandro Chavez.
Chemical Engineering
Beatty, Marissa. Structure-property relationships describing SiOx encapsulated electrocatalyst. Sponsor: Daniel Esposito.
Altorbaq, Abdullah. Crystallization kinetics of semicrystalline polymer nanocomposites: Morphology-property relationship. Sponsor: Sanat Kumar.
Computer Science
Piccolboni, Luca. Multi-functional interfaces for accelerators. Sponsor: Luca Carloni.
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Lesk, Corey. New insights on how changing hydroclimate might affect crop yields -- and a way to avoid the worst of it. Sponsor: Radley Horton.
Electrical Engineering
Bhatt, Gaurang. Radiative heat transfer in nanostructures. Sponsor: Michal Lipson.
Datta, Ipshita. Platform based on 2D materials for integrated photonics. Sponsor: Michal Lipson.
Rizzo, Anthony. Highly parallel silicon photonic links with integrated Kerr frequency combs. Sponsor: Keren Bergman.
Zhou, Liwei. Model predictive critical soft-switching enable high-performance software-defined power electronics: Converter configuration, efficiency, and redundancy. Sponsor: Matthias Preindl.
Zhao, Yun. Nonlinear photonics for room-temperature quantum metrology and information processing. Sponsor: Alexander Gaeta.
Howland, Renata. The COVID-19 lockdown, preterm birth, and healthcare disruptions among medicaid-insured women in New York State. Sponsor: Matthew Lamb.
Genetics and Development
Chen, Yijing. Deciphering the link between the Schizophrenia-risk gene SETD1A and activity-dependent transcription. Sponsor: Joseph A. Gogos.
Herod, Sarah. Clearance of an amyloid-like translational repressor is governed by 14-3-3 proteins. Sponsor: Luke Berchowitz.
Industrial Engineering
Ren, Yi. Using second-order information in training deep neural networks. Sponsor: Donald Goldfarb.
Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Cook, Alexandra. Before the fetish: Artifice and trade in early modern Guinea. Sponsor: Alessandra Russo.
Materials Science and Engineering
Hui, Zeyu. Continuum level physics-based model on understanding and optimizing the Lithium transport process in high-energy-density LIB/LMB electrodes. Sponsors: Alan West and Yuan Yang.
Amsellem, Audrey. Sound and surveillance: The making of the neoliberal ear. Sponsor: Aaron Fox.
Soled, Kodiak. "The best revenge is living a good life": Queer and trans resilience along the childbearing journey. Sponsors: Walter Bockting and Maureen George.
Operations Research
Chen, Jinsheng. Essays on skills-based routing. Sponsor: David Yao.
Soret, Agathe. Mean field games with heterogeneous players: From portfolio optimization to network effects. Sponsor: Daniel Lacker.
Pharmacology and Molecular Signaling
Burke, Alan. Targeting T-cells to acute Myeloid Leukemia with a novel bispecific antibody format. Sponsor: Siddhartha Mukherjee.
Booth, Richard. Underspecificity in modal contexts. Sponsor: Karen Lewis.
Howlett, Joseph. Liquid-phase purification of xenon and modeling of electronic and nuclear recoils for the XENON experiments. Sponsor: Elena Aprile.
St Amant, Guy. The age of scripture: Divine utterances, textual practices, and the transformation of south Asian religion in the first millennium CE. Sponsor: Sheldon Pollock.
Portocarrero, Sandra. Another brick in the inequality wall: Three case studies of diversity, inclusion, and exclusion in organizations. Sponsor: Gil Eyal.
Xu, Shun. On recovering the best Rank-r approximation from few entries. Sponsor: Ming Yuan.
TC / Anthropology and Education
Rudas Burgos, Daniel. Educating in Garladeros: Assembling peasantries and literacies in times of uncertainty in a Colombian Páramo. Sponsor: Herve Varenne.
TC / Applied Behavior Analysis
Pedrero-Davila, Gabriela. The role of conditioned seeing on reading outcomes for students in Kindergarten through second grade. Sponsor: R. Douglas Greer.
Naresh, Aparna. Descriptive and experimental analysis of mand interventions. Sponsor: Daniel Fienup.
TC / Clinical Psychology
Meli, Laura. Pathways of psychological adjustment to physical health-related stressors: Understanding heterogeneous responses to acutecardiovascular events and the COVID-19 pandemic. Sponsor: George Bonanno.
TC / Philosophy and Education
Hori, Saori. Ignorance and irony: The role of not-knowing in becoming a person. Sponsor: Megan Laverty.
Grear, Maxwell. Streaming the reparto: Entrepreneurial subjects and musical grooves in inland Havana.
Ni, Jenny. Images of a horse nation: The politics of visual culture in southern plains equestrian polities of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Biomedical Engineering
Kurtaliaj, Iden. Bio-inspired solutions to understand rotator cuff pathology and improve repair.
Biomedical Informatics
Ostropolets, Anna. Informatics for rigorous and reproducible observational approach using distributed clinical data networks: Reducing pre-analysis bias.
Chemical Engineering
Chakraborty, Arijit. Discovering first-principles-based models using machine learning for physicochemical system.
Shastry, Tejus. Optimizing polymer membranes for gas transport through machine learning.
Wiser, Forwood. Automated reduction of the Insoprene atmospheric chemical mechanism.
Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Sun, Weizhuo. A smart hardhat system for safe and efficient onsite operation.
Wang, Tengxiang. Thermomechanical analysis of geothermal heat exchange systems.
Computer Science
Mao, Chengzhi. Towards robust visual representations for recognition.
Li, Daniel. Structured navigation of longform spoken dialog with automatic summarization.
East Asian Languages and Cultures
Foltz, Cameron. Building the polity and making the monastery: Tibetan pastoralists and their institutions.
Germanic Languages
Kahveci, Varol. Heimat between 19th century German orientalism and contemporary affective engagements.
Lu, Xiran. From cold critique to hot revolution: Resistance and affect in literature and film about 1968 and 1989 in Germany and the world.
Savage, Skye. The performativity of diagnosis: Medicine, fascism, and identity in 20th century Germany.
Banis, Dillon. The roots of modern sugar: Sugar beets, globalization, and geopolitics in Germany's transformation of sugar production and consumption, c. 1870-1920.
Coon, Ella. Control data: American power and the rise of the global assembly line, 1962-1982.
Ellenbogen, Yakov. Disability in Ashkenazic society, 1200-1500.
Sadleir, William. Portrait of a magistrate court: Legal culture in the Georgian countryside.
Ricca, Giulia. Lucia and her precursors. The 'insipid' character and the novel's establishment.
Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Engelhard, Vered. Ancestral technologies out of the Andes: from pre-colonial traces to territorial cultures.
Burns, Ellen. Thinking with Chomsky about the very idea of the mind-body problem.
Wang, Connie. Being too at home in the other: Seelenkrankheiten as pathologies of immediacy in Hegel's 'Anthropology'.
Political Science
Futter, Lauren. Essays on bureaucratic innovation.
Zhang, Yujin. Growth strategies, the economy, and people's economic worldviews.
Yao, Yifan. New pathways for neurosecretions and the effect of diffusible signals on the brain's clock.
Silverberg, David. “This is not natural:” Religion and climate activism in southern Rajasthan.
Slavic Languages
Gushchin, Veniamin. After subjectivity: Late style and Soviet late modernism.
Tingle, Madeline. Food and eating in the works of Nikolai Leskov and Nikolai Gogol: A tension between violence and nourishment.