Dissertations: October 17, 2022
Alamo Bryan, Marina. Vernacular forensics: Searching for the disappeared, bureaucratic violence and communal exhumations of clandestine burials in contemporary Mexico. Advisor: Nadia Abu El-Haj.
Art History and Archaeology
Bulger, Monica. Facing forward: Frontality in the archaic period. Advisor: Ioannis Mylonopoulos.
Computer Science
Flokas, Lampros. Complaint driven training data debugging for machine learning workflows. Advisors: Nakul Verma and Eugene Wu.
Petridis, Savvas. Designing exploratory search systems that stimulate memory and reduce cognitive load. Advisor: Lydia Chilton.
English and Comparative Literature
Del Sol, Lisa. Can I get a witness? — Living while Black death is trending. Advisor: Saidiya Hartman.
Genetics and Development
Krizay, Daniel. Transcriptomic and functional analysis of neuronal activity and disease. Advisor: Michael Boland.
Scarborough, Margaret. Styles of existence 1961-1982. Advisor: Victoria De Grazia.
SullyCole, Althea. Mandé instruments at the Met: Analyzing intangible cultural heritage in the context of an African musical instrument collection in the museum. Advisors: Alessandra Ciucci and Aaron Fox.
Neurobiology and Behavior
Christenson, Matthias. Circuit computations underlying color encoding in the fly brain. Advisors: Laurence Abbott and Rudy Behnia.
Operations Research
Ananthanarayanan, Sai Mali. Algorithms for scheduling in elevators and airline networks, and distributional robustness in Stackelberg games. Advisor: Clifford Stein.
Political Science
Rubio, Julia. The political behavior of the underrepresented. Advisor: Maria Victoria Murillo.
Portugaly, Erela. "Okay, well, everyone else has babies. Why shouldn't I?": How women with mental illness make reproductive decisions. Advisor: Gil Eyal.
Art History and Archaeology
Jahani, Jeiran. Multiplying animality in late Uruk art of southern Iraq and southwestern Iran.
Russell, Sarah. The art of deception in the Spanish Golden Age.
Williams, Ashley. Enslaved, imprisoned, incarcerated: Unfree artists on the borders of American Empire, 1850-1930.
Biomedical Engineering
El Harake, Jad. Myocardial elastography: Analysis of algorithmic, physiological, and clinical factors impacting CAD detection.
Computer Science
Huang, Shiyuan. Computer vision under low-resource scenarios.
Ladhak, Faisal. Towards more faithful abstractive summarization systems.
East Asian Languages and Cultures
Lee-Brown, Joanna. Visions of emancipation: Islam, socialism, and third world internationalism in the People's Republic of China from the Cold War to the present.
Yang, Hekang. The Qing fiscal policy: 1875-1916.
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies
Mansour, Nadeem. The Egyptian ruling class and its empires.
Shiralagi, Gautham. The planned economy in contestation and crisis: A social and conceptual history of economic planning in India c. 1929-1980.
Abir, Yaniv. Computational goals of human exploration and curiosity.
Franklin, Daria. Living socialism: Soviet literary field after Stalin.
Walker, Dominic. The identity work of youth of color in transitional school programs.
Weissenbach, Amy. How it all began: Stories of childhood and crisis in America, 2006-2016.