Studying Away from Columbia
- Ivy Plus Exchange Scholar Program
- Partnership PhD Mobility Program
- Global Centers
- Inter-University Doctoral Consortium (IUDC)
- Letters of Introduction
- Conducting Research Abroad
Completing Coursework at Other Institutions
GSAS students can utilize Columbia's agreements and partnerships with other universities to further their academic interests by completing coursework or conducting research at other institutions.
Ivy Plus Exchange Scholar Program
The Ivy Plus Exchange Scholar Program allows PhD students to study at one of a select few institutions for a limited period of time:
- Brown
- Cornell
- Harvard
- Princeton
- Stanford
- UC Berkeley
- UChicago
- UPenn
- Yale
Inter-University Doctoral Consortium
The Inter-University Doctoral Consortium (IUDC) allows PhD students to cross-register at other area universities:
- CUNY Graduate Center
- Fordham
- New School for Social Research
- NYU (including the Institute of Fine Arts)Princeton
- Rutgers
- Stony Brook
Additional Affiliates
Students may also take courses at the following affiliated institutions:
Joint-Degree Programs
GSAS participates in joint-degree programs with the following institutions:
- Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - Dual MA in Art History, Dual MA in Modern Art: Critical and Curatorial Studies
- London School of Economics - Dual MA/MSc in International and World History
- Sciences Po - PhD Partnership in Political Science
Conducting Research at Other Institutions
To conduct research, students may request letters of introduction from their programs to gain entrée to libraries, archives, museums, and other such institutions. In addition, Columbia's Global Centers facilitate student and faculty research at eight locations around the world.
Columbia students conducting research abroad must register with International SOS, an emergency services program that helps with unexpected medical or security issues. Students may also consult with the Columbia Health Travel Medicine Program, which offers information and immunizations for international travel.
GSAS students who will be visiting scholars at another institution to conduct dissertation research must give a copy of their letter of invitation to their department and to GSAS Financial Aid.
GSAS students can utilize Columbia's agreements and partnerships to further their academic interests at the institutions or programs listed below:
- Alliance (École Polytechnique, Sciences Po, Paris Pantheon Sorbonne)
- École Polytechnique (Earth and Environmental Sciences)
- European University Institute (History)
- Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (Art History)
- London School of Economics (Anthropology or History)
- Minzu School of Tibetan Studies (EALAC)
- Partnership PhD Mobility Program (London School of Economics, National University of Singapore, Sciences Po Paris)
- Sciences Po (Social Sciences departments)
- Trilateral Agreement (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Freie Universität) (Humanities departments)
- University of Mainz (English)
- University of Warwick (Philosophy)
- Waseda University (EALAC)
All Departments
Alliance Call for Doctoral Mobility
Term of Study: One to three months
Contact: Alessia Lefebure, [email protected]
Doctoral students in all disciplines may pursue research projects under the supervision of a host faculty member at École Polytechnique, Sciences Po, or Panthéon-Sorbonne University.
Partnership PhD Mobility Program
Term of Study: Two to three months
Contact: Andrea Solomon, [email protected]
The Partnership PhD Mobility Program offers doctoral students the opportunity to conduct research at the London School of Economics, the National University of Singapore, or Sciences Po.
London School of Economics
Term of Study: Up to one year
Contact: DGS in Anthropology Department
The London School of Economics accepts Columbia Anthropology doctoral students for research visits of up to one year. The exchange offers the opportunity to work informally with one or more advisors at LSE on final thesis revision, publications, and presentations, and to attend conferences and workshops both within the School and in the UK and Europe.
Art History
Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia
Term of Study: One semester
Contact: DGS in Art History Department
The Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia accepts doctoral students in Art History and Archaeology for one semester research visits. Students must demonstrate an adequate knowledge of Italian.
Earth and Environmental Sciences
École Polytechnique
Term of Study: One semester or summer
Contact: DGS in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
École Polytechnique accepts doctoral students in Earth and Environmental Sciences for one-semester research visits and for the Fluid Dynamics of Sustainability and the Environment summer school.
East Asian Languages and Cultures
Minzu School of Tibetan Studies, Beijing
Term of Study: One year
Contact: DGS in East Asian Languages and Cultures Department
The Minzu School of Tibetan Studies in Beijing accepts doctoral students who have completed their MPhil requirements for up to one year for research projects in East Asian Languages and Cultures.
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Term of Study: One year
Contact: Professor Tomi Suzuki [email protected]
Waseda University acceptsdoctoral students in Japanese literature for one-year research visits.
English and Comparative Literature
University of Mainz
Term of Study: One year
Contact: DGS in English Department
The University of Mainz accepts doctoral students for one year visits for the purpose of research and collaboration in English and Comparative Literature. Students receive a generous stipend and design and teach two undergraduate seminars at Mainz.
European University Institute, Florence, Italy
Term of Study: One semester
Contact: Tess Drahman at the Blinken European Institute, [email protected]
The European University Institute accepts History doctoral students for one-semester research visits.
London School of Economics
Term of Study: Up to one year
Contact: DGS in History Department
The London School of Economics accepts History doctoral students for research visits of up to one year. The exchange offers the opportunity to work informally with one or more advisors at LSE on final thesis revision, publications, and presentations, and to attend conferences and workshops both within the School and in the UK and Europe.
Humanities Departments
Trilateral Agreement between École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Freie Universität, and Columbia
Term of Study: One semester
Requirements: Students must have completed the MPhil
Contact: Sharon Marcus [email protected] / Dean of the Humanities, Dorothea von Mücke [email protected]
A trilateral agreement between Columbia University and the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies, Freie Universitat (Berlin) allows students with doctoral research intests in literature, literary theory, poetics, and aethetics to attend either institution for one semester.
University of Warwick
Term of Study: Up to one year
Contact: DGS in Philosophy Department
The University of Warwick accepts Philosophy doctoral students for research visits of up to one year. The exchange offers PhD students the opportunity to participate in workshops, seminars and discussions in the interdisciplinary Project on Consciousness and Self-Consciousness at Warwick, to attend relevant project meetings in Oxford and London, and to receive supervision on their thesis from members of the Philosophy Department.
Social Sciences Departments
Sciences Po, Paris, France
Term of Study: One semester or one academic year
Contact: DGS in Student's Department
Sciences Po in Paris accepts doctoral students who have completed their MPhil requirements for one-semester or one-year research projects in Economics, History, Political Science, and Sociology, putting at their disposal the varied resources of its world-class research centers.
International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy, Cologne, Germany
Term of Study: One semester
Contact: DGS in Sociology Department
The International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy invites doctoral students in the fields of Political Science and Sociology for research visits of six months.